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NEO Semiconductor Launches Ground-Breaking 3D X-DRAM™ Technology, A Game Changer in the Memory Industry

The world's first 3D NAND-like DRAM is targeted to solve DRAM's capacity bottleneck and replace the entire 2D DRAM market; makes manufacturing and scaling memory with higher densities and capacities easier  

SAN JOSE, Calif.May 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- NEO Semiconductor, a leading developer of innovative technologies for 3D NAND flash and DRAM memory, today announced the launch of its ground-breaking technology, 3D X-DRAM™. This development is the world's first 3D NAND-like DRAM cell array that is targeted to solve DRAM's capacity bottleneck and replace the entire 2D DRAM market. Relevant patent applications were published with the United States Patent Application Publication on April 6, 2023.

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